Welcome to the Cascadia Risk blog

Greetings.  My name is B.J. Cure and my goal is to help residents of the Pacific Northwest become earthquake resilient.  You may have found your way here because you are concerned about this risk and are unsure what to do.

Here’s a key statistic: We’ve got about a 37% chance of an 8.0 to 9.0 megaquake occurring off the coast of the Pacific Northwest in the next 50 years, and we’re currently unprepared as a society for this event.  If the quake were to happen today, casualties would likely be in the tens of thousands, major environmental disasters would unfold, and the regional economy would be crippled.  In fact, it could result in the worst economic hit the U.S. has ever seen.  I was shocked when I first heard these facts a number of years ago, but I am convinced that they are indeed facts, and the threat is real.

Word has gotten out to the public more in recent years of the Cascadia Subduction Zone and the potential for huge earthquakes.  You may not need to be convinced of the risk if you are reading this.  Although I want to be another voice in raising earthquake awareness, my main aim on this site is to direct individuals and homeowners (you) on exactly what you need to do.  This blog is the beginning of this effort.  More to follow.

The facts are a bit frightening, and we have a few choices as residents of the Pacific Northwest.  We could bury our heads in the sand, so to speak, and just continue living the way we have.  Ignorance is bliss, and the odds of the megaquake not happening in the next 50 years appear to be greater than it actually occurring.  No action is an option.  We could also become aware of the risk and do nothing, living with some anxiety about what could happen.  I’m writing this because my choice is to make some preparations and modify my lifestyle so that I can live in this area and face the future with hope.  I hope you’ll join me on this journey.

Published by

BJ Cure

My name is BJ Cure and I am a structural engineer focused on improving earthquake resilience in the Pacific Northwest. I help home and building owners assess their earthquake risks, make informed decisions, and strengthen their home or building when appropriate. I can be reached by email at bjcure@cascadiarisk.com.

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